It was a really much discussed launch among the fasionistas and beauty fans
A new fragrance has been added to the emblematic Chanel collection for the first time after 15 years. And its name is Gabrielle.
Each and every one of the guests felt part of this world and experienced the extravaganza, either in Paris where the international launch for major markets took place during the Haute Couture week, or in Athens with an identical launch for a number of smaller countries.
With Coco or Gabrielle Chanel and her inexhaustible source of inspiration of as a starting point, the creative team of the House used a number of quotes by the famous designer to give life to the person behind the perfume and to introduce us to its philosophy. “Conquer your destiny”, “Ι want to be part of what happens”, “Choose, desire and be”, “I decided who I wanted to be and that’s who I am”. All was topical yet timeless that day, same as the composition of the fragrance which balances the freshness and elegance of four white flowers: jasmine (Chanel’s favourite), ylang-ylang, tuberose from Grasse and orange blossom. The perfume was created by Olivier Polge, the son of Jacques, the earlier Chanel nose and creator of the previous blockbuster, Chance. Olivier has described the new scent as an “abstract floral,” and it succeeds in being both clean and modern yet utterly recognisable as a perfume by Chanel.
In Athens, where I had the pleasure of getting to know “Gabrielle” , the event and installation was hosted by Grecotel Cape Sounio, a five star hotel in a stunning location opposite the Temple of Poseidon, one of the most celebrated archaeological sites in Europe and the second most important ancient temple in Attica. Classic but with a fresh approach to hospitality, luxurious with a view to the austere and emblematic temple of Poseidon, Cape Sounio simply had it all. It was the ideal place for the 270 media people and bloggers from a variety of countries to feel unique, as the occasion demanded. Devided in small groups we enjoyed a boat trip in the Argosaronikos sea (let us not forget that this was the year Chanel also launched the Blue Serum with essential natural ingredients from diets of the world’s blue zones, one of which is Greece) and then back in the hotel we lived the Gabrielle experience.
Total white interior; Chanel’s quotes written on the walls all around us, a lounge for our first encounter with the aromatic composition, under the guidance of an expert; screens all around showing videos with enchanting images; and finally the necessary instagram experience, a white Gabrielle booth for wonderful souvenir photos.
Enjoy the pics!